Cookies Policy

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  1. This Cookies Policy (“Policy”) sets out how companies in the UK Export Expo use cookies on our websites. .
  2. “Cookies” are small pieces of information that are placed on your computer or any similar device you use to access websites, which store and may track information about your use of the website. Certain Cookies will only last for the duration of your session and expire when you close your browser; others are used to remember you when you return to the website and will last for longer.
  3. We use Cookies to evaluate and personalise your experience of our websites as well as ensure their performance, including as follows:
  4. Create specific log-in sessions so that page requests are delivered securely and effectively, ensure website capacity and store your service and product selections (“Strictly Necessary” Cookies);
  5. Recognise repeat visitors to our websites and their preferences to deliver a more tailored experience (“Functional” Cookies);
  6. Improve the performance of website(s) and learn which parts are most popular to visitors; whereby we gather statistical information including device-specific data (e.g the IP address of the device in an anonymised format, browser information, location; referring domain; pages visited, and the date and time when website pages were accessed) (“Performance” Cookies);
  7. Customise promotional content placed on our websites and gather information through our advertising partners about the websites you visit, to serve interest-based advertisements (“Targeting” Cookies).
  8. Some of the Cookies used on our websites are set by us and some are set by third parties who are delivering analytics and other services on our behalf. Cookies set by third parties will enable third party features to appear on a website and may track your activity on multiple websites.
  9. In addition to Cookies, tracking gifs may be set by us or third parties in respect of your use of our websites and emails we send to you. Tracking gifs are small image files within our website or other content such as newsletters that enable us to understand which content is of interest to you, including by recognising when someone has visited our website or opened an email that we have sent to them.
  10. We also use social media buttons and/or plugins on our website that allow you to connect with your social network in various ways. For these to work the relevant social media sites will set cookies through our website which may be used to enhance your profile on their site or contribute to the data they hold for various purposes outlined in their respective privacy policies.
  11. More information about Third Party Cookies and how to restrict or block these Cookies can be accessed by following the link to the third party’s website.
  12. You can accept or reject cookies by amending your web browser controls. But if you choose not to allow the use of cookies, your experience of our website will be limited and many integral aspects might not work at all.

To change your cookie settings, or if you want to be notified each time a cookie is about to be used, you should amend the settings provided in your web browser to prevent us from storing cookies on your computer hard drive.

You can manage your cookie settings by following your browser’s instructions. Here are some links that might be of assistance:

  1.  For more information about Cookies including how to block them, please visit

This Policy was last updated on 30th January 2024


+44 (0) 1600 887 205
Wyastone Business Park
NP25 3SR
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